Privacy policy


This website uses cookies for the following purposes:

• Technical functionality: so we can remember your preferences.

• Traffic measurements: so we know how many people visit our site and can use this information to develop our website for the benefits of our many visitors and customers.


1. Owner information

This website is offered by:
Baltic Control Certification A/S
Kulsviervej 150
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Telefon: +45 39 39 05 35


2. Cookies

This website uses cookies according to the above mentioned purposes. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and in order to recognize your computer on recurring visits. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.


2.1 Cookies are stored for a certain periode

Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.


2.2 How to delete cookies

Please click her for information about how to remove cookies: 


2.3 How to avoid cookies?

If you do not want to receive cookies you can block them, please find out how by clicking here:


2.4 Why do we have cookies on our website?

We use cookies to register statistics on number of visitors on our website.


2.5 Google Analytics (traffic masuring)

The website uses cookies from Google Analytics to be able to measuring traffic on our website.
You can avoid cookies from Google Analytics here:


3. Use of personal data

Personal data is never passed on to third parties unless you explicitly give us your permission, and we never collect personal data without you having provided us with this information in connection with registration, purchase or participation in an survey, etc. In connection with these activities information is collected eg. name, address, postal code, e-mail, gender, age, interests, attitudes and knowledge of different topics.

Personal data is used to complete the purchase or service that the data is collected for. The data is also used to gain better knowledge of you and other users of the website. This use can include studies and analyzes aimed to improve our website, products, services and technologies.



3.1 Contact concerning personal data

If you want acces to the informations stored at Baltic Control Certification please do not hesitate to contact us on or tel. +45 39 39 01 35. If the stored data is incorrect or you have other objections please use abovementioned contact info. It is possible for you to get access and see what kind of personal data we have registered about you and you can object to a registration in accordance to the rules in ‘Personal Data Act’.



3.2 Protection of personal data

According to ‘Personal Data Act’ your personal data must be kept safe and confidential. We store your personal data on restricted access computers that are located in controlled facilities and our security are continually reviewed to determine whether our data is being handled properly and also regarding your rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100% security for data transfers via the Internet. This means that there may be a risk of others enforcing access to data when data is transmitted and stored electronically. For this reason you disclose your personal data at your own risk.

Personal data is permanently deleted or anonymized as soon as the purpose for which they were collected is terminated.

The rapid development of the Internet means that changes in our processing of personal data may be necessary. We therefore reserve the right to update and modify this Privacy Policy.

To the extent that your personal data are processed, you have the right to be informed according to the ‘Personal Data Act’ about which personal data can be assigned to you. If it turns out that the information or data processed about you is inaccurate or misleading, you have the right to demand that it shall be corrected, deleted or blocked. You may object at any time that data about you is being processed. You can also withdraw your consent at any time. You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of data regarding you. Complaints are submitted to the Danish ‘Datatilsynet, cf. the Personal Data Act §58, part 1.

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