At Baltic Control® Certification we are specialized in sustainability certificate companies throughout the energy sector.

The requirement for such a certificate of sustainability is that, as an enterprice you are subject to a legal requirement regarding documentation that affects all stages of the value chain. Eg you have to document that your production does not affect natural areas. At Baltic Control® Certification we are investigating everything because even the smallest detail can be significant for the company's and thus our customer's success in the market.

The legal requirements come from the EU's RED Renewable Energy Directive, which is based on an ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The directive requires among others that a minimum of 20 % of Union energy consumption should be renewable energy by 2020.

When the company can document to the authorities and their customers that they are sustainable many of our customers also experience that they in addition obtain a higher market price. “We help companies document that they are sustainable instead of just talking about being it”, Karina Engstrøm Nielsen states, owner and certification director at Baltic Control® Certification.

One of the companies we have had as a customer for many years is Hedegaard A / S. Purchasing Director Mads Kristensen says "We use Baltic Control® Certification because they are very thorough and professional when reviewing our set-up and conducting audits. A sustainability certificate issued by Baltic Control® Certification ensures our credibility to our customers. Most recently with Hedegaard's ISCC certification of Glycerin for Biogas, with very high focus on sustainability and CO2 emissions. We have used Baltic Control® Certification for many years and are very pleased to have them as a partner, "Mads Kristensen concludes.

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