7.800 WelFur assessment visits to 2.574 mink farms in 24 European countries in the period 2017 – 2019. The many visits made by Baltic Control®s team of assessors resulted in a considerable amount of data, which researchers from Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University have now processed and analyzed in a new interesting report. The report compares animal welfare on mink farms in Denmark and the rest of Europe.

The WelFur system is one of the world’s most comprehensive systems for assessing farm animal welfare. At Baltic Control® we are incredibly proud to be part of the implementation of WelFur on Danish and European fur farms and we look forward to the knowledge gained in connection with the development and implementation of the WelFur system can be used for optimizing and developing new welfare assessment systems for various livestock species.

Link to Aarhus University (in Danish):  Click here

Link to DCA-report (in Danish): Click here

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